Tuesday, January 27, 2009

AAPP Bulletin

At the request of James Phillips, the editor of the AAPP Bulletin, I've put the 4 most recent issues online. They are at http://alien.dowling.edu/~cperring/aappbulletins.html

There is excellent work in there:
Hopefully now that they are available online the work here will get wider exposure and can be useful to other researchers and teachers.

As an aside, it is worth emphasizing that membership of AAPP gets you a subscription to PPP and helps to support the main international organization devoted to scholarship in philosophy and psychiatry.


Rob said...

Does PPP publish regularly now? While I was a member of AAPP, around 2002-4, it was far from clear that the next issue of the journal was just around the corner. I let my subscription lapse then, though I certainly continue to endorse the larger mission of and need for such a journal. I also immensely enjoyed the odd issue which did find its way to me.

metapsychologist said...


Yes, PPP publication is regular now. It is running about a year behind in terms of the date on the journal. The last issue (guest edited by me on the Biopsychosocial Model) was dated Dec 2007 and actually came out around Oct 2008. But issues are coming out every 3 months. The full listing of issues is at